Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Je ne parle pas le français

I am currently in Nashville writing from my hotel.  I have a legislative event to speak at tomorrow morning.  It is an event of all women who are lobbying at the capital in Tennessee.  I am excited about it. 

I was in Canada last week...hence the title of this blog.  I loved Canada.  The people were all super nice...too bad they will all die of lung cancer.  EVERYONE smokes in Canada...or at least it seems that way.  Things are super expensive there.  So, I didn't buy much.  They have basically no abortion laws in Canada.  No waiting period, no limit on gestational weeks, no parental consent...nothing.  It is pretty tragic.  But, they have an awesome 40 Days for Life team there!  Like I heart and one mind at a time.  That's exactly what they are doing.  I had a horrible hamburger in Canada.  It was like I was eating cardboard.  AND, the service at the restaurant was even worse!  I kept trying to find someone to give me my check and there were no waitstaff in the whole restaurant that I could find.  So, I had to just leave a 20 dollar bill on the table and leave...20 dollars in US money.  They will have to figure out how to convert it.  At least I left something!

I had another stinky flight on the way up here today...yuck.  I ended up closing my air vent.  It didn't help.

I am having someone get a website designed for me.  I am really excited about that.  It will be a good place for people to go and get information about me and my upcoming book.  Oh yeah, if you didn't know, I am writing a book.  It should be out in January. 

So, I have a group page on Facebook...well, actually there are three, but this is the official one.  I didn't have anything to do with the other two, but it is cute that other people made them.  I haven't joined the group.  I think that may be a little weird to join your own group.  This will be a way for people to find out what is going on with my travels and my book.  Another thing I have to keep updated...

There are a group (a huge one) of high school 4-Hers here in the hotel.  They better settle down in the hallway...I would hate to have to give them the stink eye.  :)

After the event tomorrow I get to hang out with the folks from Ambassador.  I am so lucky to have them represent me.  I don't know what I would do without them.  They are my little travel angels.  Now I just need someone to handle my facebook. :)  Then I could just lay on the couch and eat bon-bons.  Just kidding.  I don't even like bon-bons. 

I am looking forward to the next few days.  I don't travel again until April 7th.  That will give me a lot of time home with Grace and Doug.  I miss them so much when I am away.  I even watched wrestling again tonight just because it made me think of Doug.  He needs to start watching better shows.  Actually, there was a wrestler on tonight from College Station.  That was pretty interesting. 

This being Holy Week and everything, I was thinking about some spiritual stuff.  I was watching some TV today and noticed that almost half of the channels were talking about celebrities and their lives.  I mean, I guess I care about Kate Gosslin's hair extensions, but I started to think about how obsessed our society is with the way other people live and the decisions that they make.  I was thinking that we should worry less about "celebrities" and more about our own life choices.  I mean, we are so worried about the marriages of other people and what they are wearing and how they raise their children.  I wonder if that is just a way for everyone to NOT think about their own shortcomings.  We don't want to be accountable for how we live.  Would we act differently if every part of our lives were on tape and broadcast nationally?   In a way, our lives are like that.  We may think the things that we say and the thoughts that we have are private...but they are not.  God hears everything we think and say.  We don't seem to worry about that too much.  But He is the most important critic we have.  We should act that included. 

Well, this blog has been pretty boring.  I will spice it up next time.  Until then...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Part deux

Last time I blogged about things I saw on a plane after I was off the plane.  Well, now I blogging from my airplane seat 35,000 feet above ground.  On my first flight today I was sitting close to a very young woman who was on her way to boot camp.  She is serving in the army.  I actually saw her parents telling her goodbye in the terminal.  They seemed pretty upset.  She couldn't have been over 21.  I kept wondering why a young woman like that would want to go into the service.  True story...I actually considered going into the National Guard...I have a heart for disaster relief.  So, I called the recruiter and asked if there was any way that I could enlist but not attend boot camp.  I think he thought I was joking at first...but after I made it pretty clear that I was serious, he told me no.  Bummer.  He said that I should look into the peace corps.  HAHAHA!  Anyway, back to this woman.  While I was wondering about her motives, I suddenly became acutely aware of my own selfishness.  I mean, I don't know why she joined, but she did.  She has to wear her hair in an ugly bun.  She can't wear any make-up.  She has to wear ugly uniforms.  No cell phone.  She can't get her nails done...and definitely no pedicure.  No shopping just for fun on the weekends.  I am just not someone who would voluntarily give all of that up.  I became suddenly so proud of her and the decision that she made.  It was probably hard on her parents...but their daughter is working for all of us.  She is putting it all on the line for people she doesn't even know.  She had a little bag that she was carrying with her.  It said "Army Strong."  I thought...that's right.  You are army stong.  You are stronger than most people and definitely most women that I know.  I could tell that she was super nervous.  She kept trying to go to sleep, but couldn't.  She was holding her little Bible during the entire flight.  She had a little journal that she kept writing little notes in and then would quickly put it away...just to get it back out a few moments later.  I, of course, told her "thank you for your service."  But I also told her that I would be praying for her.  I think she needs prayers right now...prayers of courage and strength.  I will be someone who will do that for her...I mean, she is doing a lot for me. 

I am wearing leggings today.  I don't usually wear leggings in public, but I have a long sweater that is covering the top of my legs.  I was looking at my calves today and I think they are looking pretty good.  I got a pair of those Reebok easy tone shoes for Christmas and I think they are working.  But, also remember that I said I have the opposite of could be my mind playing tricks on me.  I should take a picture of myself in these leggings.  I would probably burn them after I saw what I really look like in them. 

You know, I have been thinking about this health care plan that just passed.  I am not feeling discouraged anymore.  Whether abortion is being paid for by our taxes is really not that important to me.  It's not about not have tax-payer funded abortions for is about not having abortion, period.  So, for me, I am just going to continue to do what I have been doing.  I am not going to let things like laws discourage me.  Our goal is to change hearts and minds, one person at a time.  We will still be doing that.  I hear so many people griping about the abortion deal...but what are they doing besides griping.  That is not going to save children.  I hope this bill encourages other people to get out there to the clinics and pray.  Maybe they will eventually sidewalk counsel.  I just hope people are motivated by this and not disheartened. 

You know how there is a law prohibiting smoking on an airplane?  Well, let me tell you something, they need to enforce another passing gas or stinking up the bathrooms on planes.  There is nothing worse than smelling a recirculated toot on the plane.  I mean, you can't escape it.  I do get a little joy in knowing that even the first class passengers have to deal with the smell.  See, it's not always perfect to be in first class.  They will have to plug up their noses with hot towels. 

Today, when we were flying into Dallas, I saw a house that looked big even from 3,000 feet up.  I can't imagine what it looks like on the ground.  That type of arrogance is vulgar.  I mean, who needs a house with more than 10 bedrooms...well, maybe the Duggars. 

Having WiFi on the plane makes the trip go by so much faster.  I wish this was on all planes! 

Shawn and I are speaking in New Jersey together tonight.  It is so much fun for us to speak together.  I fly to Canada tomorrow. 

I went to Houston yesterday for an interview with CBN.  After the interview, Claire and I went to pray outside the Fannin location.  Oh man, PP was in a tizzy because I was out there.  I saw employees coming down and peering out the front door to look at me.  Even the COO, Melaney, came down to check it out.  It was great.  I talked to the PP volunteers a lot.  One I knew very well.  The others were new to me.  Anyway, on our way out I started to talking to one of the female volunteers.  I told her that I would be praying for her.  She then stated, of course, "I will be praying for you, too."  I said that I really appreciated it and that I could use it.  Anyway, I don't know why these words came out of my mouth...but then I said, "I know that many PP volunteers are post-abortive.  If that is the case for you, I just want to let you know that we can help provide healing for you."  She then told me that she didn't need healing from me.  I told her that I couldn't provide the healing, but Christ could.  Then she started going on about how she is a Christian.  I swear, as I was listening to her, I could hear myself.  She was saying the exact things that I used to say.  Empty justifications.  I told her that because she was engaging with me, I knew that there were doubts in her mind about her work there.  I told her that I believed that was a good sign.  Well, then she got really mad and just eventually walked off.  So, I will be praying for her.  I ask that you pray for her, too.  I don't know her name, but I will call her Charlotte.  Please pray for Charlotte...God knows who we are talking about. 

Well, we are about to land.  Time to put up my tray table and my laptop.  I hope everyone has a great day and a great rest of the week!!!  Blessings!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" ~ Proverbs 31:8

I just got done ordering more business cards.  That is the quote from the Bible that I put on them. 

Are we doing that?  Are we speaking up?  I am not sure. 

The healthcare bill got passed tonight.  I guess I am not super upset about it.  Well, now that Obama put out an executive order that held up the Hyde amendment.  But, what about the Hyde amendment?  The Hyde amendment allows government funds (our tax dollars) to pay for abortions in the case of rape, incest and health of the mother.  I am not really okay with that.  I mean, it is better than nothing, but children are still being terminated because of what?  Because of how they were conceived?  That is not right.  Just because a baby was conceived in rape doesn't mean its life is not valuable.  It is still a person.  I saw so many women who qualified for government funded abortions in Texas...under the Hyde amendment. 

I was glad to see that our congressman, Chet Edwards (democrat) voted no on the health care bill.  I think it is probably a little self-serving since he is up for re-election in a super conservative district...but that's okay.  He said in our town hall meeting that he would not vote for a bill that included abortion.  He stuck to his word.  I am going to send him a note of appreciation.  I am sure he will get many.  I want mine to be one in the stack. 

I am actually for a health care overhaul.  I believe that all children should be covered under insurance.  I think it is a tragedy that so many people are uninsured.  We want to blame them for not having insurance...but so many times it is not their fault.  I can't believe how much private insurance costs!!  It is outrageous.  I mean, if you had to choose between rent and insurance, I think most people are going to pay rent.  I agree with is sad that the US (the most powerful nation in the world) doesn't make insuring our people a priority.  Maybe this new initiative will help with that.  I don't know.  I think we may be going down the toilet.  We will just have to pray and see. 

I just made an "appointment" with my friend to talk on the phone.  Haha!  That is what my life has become.  Full of appointments.  So, tomorrow at 11am I will be on the phone with my friend. :)  I love him...I can't wait to chat. 

I am going to Houston tomorrow for a TV interview with CBN again.  I hate being on TV.  You know how they say the camera adds 10 pounds?  Well, TV makes my face look like I am having an allergic reaction to something.  I swear I have 4 chins.  Ugh.  I hope that is just on could be all of the time.  I think I have the opposite of anorexia.  I look in the mirror and think, "I don't look so bad."  Then I look at pictures of me and see the reality.  Haha. 

I have to call a guy tomorrow about setting up my website.  I don't have any idea how to do that, so I have to have other people do it.  I want to put a calendar on there so people can see where I am speaking. 

I guess that is it for now.  I leave for New Jersey and Canada on Tuesday.  Then I have a pro-life event in Texas on Saturday...but Doug and Grace are going, too.  It will be fun.  Busy week.  Busy month. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

In a plane

Today I was on a plane for about two hours.  There is really nothing significant about being on a plane for me...I travel ALL of the time now.  The day started out strange.  I left my house at 7am.  My plane left at 9:45am from Houston.  I KNEW that I would hit some pretty bad traffic since I would be going to through Houston during rush hour.  But there was NO traffic.  I thought that surely hell had frozen over.  I got to the airport in an hour and a half.  That was weird. 

Then I got to the airport and there seemed to be a ton of military people there.  I always feel like I need to go up to every one of them and say, "Thank you for your service."  Well, I said it so much today that it started to feel weird.  It seems that they never know how to respond when I say that to them.  So, it started to make me feel like it makes them feel uncomfortable.  But, I don't care.  I really mean it when I thank them.  I know that I could never do what they are, uncomfortable or not, they are still getting a thank you. 

I got on the plane with about 30 high school girls.  Great.  They were all silly and at first I was kind of annoyed, but then I started to remember what it was like to be them.  I remember that the biggest concern in high school was whether the boy I liked would put a note in my locker...or something similar.  I started to really appreciate their age...and then, appreciate mine.  I really love being around young people because they remind me of simpler things.  Things that don't involve the responsibility of a child (although I love it).  They don't think about money in the same way that we do.  They get an allowance and then they blow it.  And that's okay.  I think about things like abortion all day...they think about their ipod.  I love it.  I wish I would have slowed down and savored that when I was in high school...not having any REAL responsibilities (although I thought I had them).  :)  But, you don't know what to savor until you are out of that stage of life.  What a pity.  By the way, what is up with flight attendants these days????  Apparently, our flight attendant hates high schoolers.  She was SO RUDE!!  But, the girls took it pretty well and laughed it off.  Good for them. 

Anyway, these girls were part of a soccer team.  They were apparently coming to St. Louis for a tournament or something like that.  They were so excited.  For some reason they had their soccer balls in a mesh bag that was attached to a backpack (that they all carried).  So, I was sitting in my little teeny weeny seat eating my Shipley's donut...that should tell me that I shouldn't eat so many donuts since I felt so squeezed in to the seat.  Oh well.  One girl was sitting in the row of seats next to me and she, of course, had this ball attached to her.  Her mom said something to her.  Her mom was standing behind her.  So, in this extremely dramatic way, she turned her body towards her mother and the soccer ball came flying at my face.  It hit me square in the center of my face.  I was holding a donut and was so shocked by the blow that I dropped my donut in my lap.  Well, that was great.  Now I have donut icing all over my dark colored pants.  The girl didn't even notice!!!  Her mom was like, "oh sorry."  OH SORRY!  Your kid just smacked me in the face with her soccer ball!  I have donut icing all over my pants!  I may have a bruise on my face because of that stupid ball.  I didn't realize how hard soccer balls were until one hit me in the face.  I am not much of an athlete.  :)  Well, no bruise...and no remorse from the abuser.  My nose was already sore from smacking it on my car door the other day.  You know, my nose is plenty big...I definitely don't need tit to be swollen. 

Well, I never sleep on planes...but I did on this trip.  I started reading a book called Lovely Bones.  It is pretty good so far, but I am only on chapter 4.  It may make my "book of the month" list.  haha.  By the way, has anyone read The Shack like I suggested???  I promise, it will change your life.  READ IT!!  Anyway, after I decided I was tired of reading, I put my head on my tray and fell asleep.  I think I slept for a good 30 minutes.  It was nice.  I am going to try that more often.  It made the trip go by much faster.  My mascara was all messed up, but I got it worked out before we landed. 

I woke up when we were making our descent.  I looked out of my window to see what the ground looked like.  I love doing that.  I looked out and saw a whole parking lot of yellow things.  It took me a few seconds to realize that it was a TON of school buses.  That was kind of cool.  I always try to find the airport from my window before we land, but I never can.  I started to look at all of these cars on the roads below and couldn't help but kind of laugh because they looked so cute and tiny.  I wondered if that is how God sees us.  I thought it must be...but then I thought...nah.  I think that He only sees us face to face.  I don't think we look like ants to Him.  Which is hard to imagine, but I think He sees us straight forward...for what we really are.  I don't think He sees us as "cute."  We are His perfect creations...not toys.  I mean, I haven't heard it from Him, but I don't think He looks at us and sees little ants scurrying around.  I could be wrong. 

I sat behind this couple that had the cutest little girl.  She was probably 9 months.  I really feel like it is time to have another baby.  Doug will be excited.  :)  As I was looking at that baby, I just really felt that mama urge.  I can't explain it, but I think it is the right time.  Doug and I will get right on that. 

Shawn and I spoke at a pregnancy center event tonight.  It was great.  We are a good team...well, I think so.  It is fun for us to travel together.  I think we have a pretty good story.  :)  People seem to like us together. 

I am watching wrestling right now (the fake kind).  It is a man's soap opera.  I guess I am watching it because it reminds me of Doug.  I am not into it...but he is.  Funny Doug.  One of the wrestlers on here looks JUST like Doug's best friend.  It is so funny.  But a compliment, too...cause the wrestler is pretty good looking.  But his friend doesn't like I remind him of it as much as I can.  haha. 

I am off to Pennsylvania tomorrow morning.  I didn't bring enough clothes on this trip.  I may have to wear the same thing I came up here in.  Bummer.  You would think I would have this packing thing down by now.  I am still working on it. 

I am off to bed.  I want breakfast tomorrow morning which means I have to get up even earlier.  I miss Doug and Grace.  Nothing about wrestling reminds me of Grace!  haha.  I guess I will have to put it on Sesame Street or something. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 it for me?

Well, I am finally doing it...blogging.  Everyone kept asking me to, so I figured I would give it a try.  I don't particularly love to write, so we will see how this goes!  I am guessing that most of my thoughts on here will be pretty scattered.  That is kind of how I think most of the time. 

I don't really know where to start with this blog.  Life has been pretty different for me lately!  What a difference a year makes, huh?  This time last year I was getting ready to attend the National Abortion Federation (NAF) conference in Oregon.  This year I am blogging on pro-life issues.  God is pretty amazing. 

I just recently got done reading The Shack.  I don't know if you have read it, but if you haven't, you should.  I would have to say that book has really changed my spiritual life.  Not like this hasn't been a time for radical change or anything for me :), but really, it is an amazing book.  So, read it.  That is my book choice of the month.  Haha!  Now I may have to keep that up! (choosing a "book of the month")   :) 

I am going out to my place of former employment to sidewalk counsel tomorrow.  It is not my first time or anything.  But, everytime I go, I am reminded of the deep sadness that lingers over that place.  I am reminded of the tension.  I am reminded of the friendships that were broken.  And I am, of course, reminded of all the lives lost.  I don't know if you ever get comfortable going out to the sidewalk of an abortion clinic...I hope not.  I hope that doesn't ever feel "normal" to me.  I hope that it will always make me feel uneasy.  When I feel uncomfortable, I am reminded of how much I need Christ.  So, I don't ever want to lose that when I am witnessing to those who feel they have no hope. 

I was on the Scott Hennen show today and feel pretty yucky about it.  I was scheduled to be on there to talk with Alan Colmes.  You may remember him from Hannity and just Hannity.  Well, I thought that it would just be a discussion between Alan and myself.  But it turned out to be something entirely different.  There were actually FIVE pro-life activists "ganging up" on Alan.  I didn't like that.  I actually have a lot of respect for Alan Colmes.  We agree on a lot of policy...abortion is just not one of those things.  Anyway, I felt terrible about the whole thing, so I decided to send Alan a message.  I needed some atonement from Alan Colmes. :)  Well, I received the nicest response from him.  I feel better about it.  You know, I keep saying that I will learn from all of these media traps I keep getting put into, but I don't seem to be doing a very good job at "learning."  I have a love/hate relationship with the media.  It's just not my goal, you know?  My goal is to be on the front lines of this abortion issue.  I want to be out there sidewalk counseling with all of you.  I want to encounter the same troubles you have with opposition and then work to help all of you deal with those struggles.  Media seems like a necessary evil.  Sometimes it is really great...I am primarily talking about the secular media. 

I guess this will close out my first official post.  I can't say there was anything of substance in here...just my thoughts on the day.  It's kind of like typing therapy. :)  Maybe this blogging thing won't be so bad.