Monday, March 22, 2010

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" ~ Proverbs 31:8

I just got done ordering more business cards.  That is the quote from the Bible that I put on them. 

Are we doing that?  Are we speaking up?  I am not sure. 

The healthcare bill got passed tonight.  I guess I am not super upset about it.  Well, now that Obama put out an executive order that held up the Hyde amendment.  But, what about the Hyde amendment?  The Hyde amendment allows government funds (our tax dollars) to pay for abortions in the case of rape, incest and health of the mother.  I am not really okay with that.  I mean, it is better than nothing, but children are still being terminated because of what?  Because of how they were conceived?  That is not right.  Just because a baby was conceived in rape doesn't mean its life is not valuable.  It is still a person.  I saw so many women who qualified for government funded abortions in Texas...under the Hyde amendment. 

I was glad to see that our congressman, Chet Edwards (democrat) voted no on the health care bill.  I think it is probably a little self-serving since he is up for re-election in a super conservative district...but that's okay.  He said in our town hall meeting that he would not vote for a bill that included abortion.  He stuck to his word.  I am going to send him a note of appreciation.  I am sure he will get many.  I want mine to be one in the stack. 

I am actually for a health care overhaul.  I believe that all children should be covered under insurance.  I think it is a tragedy that so many people are uninsured.  We want to blame them for not having insurance...but so many times it is not their fault.  I can't believe how much private insurance costs!!  It is outrageous.  I mean, if you had to choose between rent and insurance, I think most people are going to pay rent.  I agree with is sad that the US (the most powerful nation in the world) doesn't make insuring our people a priority.  Maybe this new initiative will help with that.  I don't know.  I think we may be going down the toilet.  We will just have to pray and see. 

I just made an "appointment" with my friend to talk on the phone.  Haha!  That is what my life has become.  Full of appointments.  So, tomorrow at 11am I will be on the phone with my friend. :)  I love him...I can't wait to chat. 

I am going to Houston tomorrow for a TV interview with CBN again.  I hate being on TV.  You know how they say the camera adds 10 pounds?  Well, TV makes my face look like I am having an allergic reaction to something.  I swear I have 4 chins.  Ugh.  I hope that is just on could be all of the time.  I think I have the opposite of anorexia.  I look in the mirror and think, "I don't look so bad."  Then I look at pictures of me and see the reality.  Haha. 

I have to call a guy tomorrow about setting up my website.  I don't have any idea how to do that, so I have to have other people do it.  I want to put a calendar on there so people can see where I am speaking. 

I guess that is it for now.  I leave for New Jersey and Canada on Tuesday.  Then I have a pro-life event in Texas on Saturday...but Doug and Grace are going, too.  It will be fun.  Busy week.  Busy month. 


  1. First, thank you for all your work with the Pro-life movement, and for listening to our Lord.....

    Health we need to take care of our poor--absolutely! But healthcare overhaul...Whew!

    1. How do you think this will be paid for? Our taxes will increase astronomically

    2. How will costs actually be cut? Everyone will be "covered", but expect healthcare to be rationed. In my not so humble opinion, I believe that we will be in a worst situation than the old treatment...keep costs down...deny elderly and seemingly incurable diseases treatment.

    3. Make insurance companies lower premiums....again, they will cut allowed services. They will have to, because it's all about the Shareholders and making money.

    Do we need an overhaul...yes...but this is not the way to do it. I do NOT want my health decisions in the hands of lawmakers who will decide who lives and who dies.

    I admire you, but I cannot agree with you on this one. I also care that abortion is not covered in our new plan. This pro-life fight will continue to be long and hard. Why should my tax dollars pay for this "procedure" while we are fighting to bring it to an end.

    May God Bless you and your travels. I will add you to my prayers. Have a wonderful and Blessed Easter.

  2. Whoa, Claire! All I said was that we needed a health care overhaul. Most Americans (republican and democrat) believe that is true. You said you believe in health care overhaul. I believe in insuring our children. I believe in making sure that our elderly will be taken care of. P.S. your tax dollars are already paying for abortion...they have been since the 70s. And, there is an anonymous donor who donates 20-30 million dollars a year to make sure that low income women have abortions. You don't know it, but this person owns companies all over the world...I guarantee that you have many, many products by companies that he owns on your shelf or in your home. So, like it or not, you are paying for abortion. You are paying for it all of the time. You see, it's not about IF we are paying for it...we ARE paying for it. So, to me, that is not my main concern. My main concern in the abortion issue is that we stop abortions completely...because as long as women are choosing abortion, we are paying for them.

    The main reason that our insurance premiums are so high is because people go to the emergency room for a common cold because there are not very many doctors who accept federally funded programs like Medicaid. If we could get that under control, we would see a drastic cut in our premiums.

    AND, I didn't say I loved the new health care bill. I said that it probably wasn't going to be a good idea. But, the bottom line is that it is done. It has passed. So, now all we can do is pray and hope for the best. Besides, I did not create this blog to debate the new health care bill. I didn't create it to debate anything at all. Your questions and everything that you wrote seem a little over the top.


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